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Labeling Machine Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen

All Products >> Adhesive labeler

Showing 11 - 14 of 14, total 2 pages        [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]

Specification: zx-5000
Detail: Vertical adopted labeling laws, the installation of special positioning, top-pressure device to ensure that the bottle stability, the nose can be from top to bottom, before and after the dumping Yang adjustment for any irregul...

horizontal roller-labelers
horizontal roller-labelers
Specification: ZX-3000
Detail: Horizontal round bottle labeler applies to all kinds of bottles can not stand the labeling round, with follow customer needs, feeding, or material structure, the fuselage design can be tilted forward or backward tilt, the appl...

vertical garden bottle labeler
vertical garden bottle labeler
Specification: ZX
Detail: Vertical labeling machine is used stickers reel labeling paper, labeling a roller paste, preparing to automatically send bottles and bottle devices, a complete release bottles, labeling bottles and resumption procedures, can a...

plane labeler
plane labeler
Specification: ZX
Detail: Apply to all kinds of boxes or flat surface of labelling or security label. Host part of the design of the absorption of imported aircraft carrier labeling, labeling solution of the general instability of the domestic factors,...
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